
After a late start to the day I was rushing to class and needed to print the images that I had collected related to DECADENCE for my Style Bureau class. I had the idea that decadence was all about lavish opulence and glamour and richness but found when I researched it I found synonyms such as decay, debauchery, corrupt, immoral, self-indulgent. I had a variety of good images but one stop away from the metro station of school I read this in my book.

"Jacques replied,'In this country (USA) decadence means trashy, pornographic, dirty. Cadent comes from the Latin cadere which means to fall. Decadent is something very different, it's the beautiful way to fall. It's a very slow movement which has lots of beauty, you know. it can be a kind of self killing in a beautiful tragic way.'

This portrayal of decadence solidified the direction I was moving in collecting images of glamorous fashion crowds and former IT girls or celebrities that all self-indulged a bit too much and this gave me more than just images to go off of.
Point of Story: A bad morning can turn right around if you all the sudden see that life naturally throws good things upon you. Like happening upon unlikely and uncanny homework help right when you need it.

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