Installation Art in Paris

My time here in Paris is waning and I just found this on a blog I follow...and now reaaaaallly want to run into one of these on the streets. It is potholes filled as Art Installation by Juliana Santacruz Herrera . TOO stuff like this because it shows all the scraps of fabric that we cut and sometime throw out if small enough could be put to use creating something. (took these pictures from the blog Honestly WTF...but maybe I will see this somewhere and get pics myself!)

1 comment:

Barry said...

Gg... yes very cool - makes me think of the "Scrap Exchange" in NC that mom brought all of you so you could find cool stuff to make something out of nothing! Yes your time is winding down but think of all you have fit in during your stay is Paris!! Besides, you know you will be back... enjoy and continue to make connections and open doors...

Love you / miss you - Dad